Monday, December 30, 2019

Breast Cancer What are My Options - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2542 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/02/06 Category Medicine Essay Level High school Topics: Breast Cancer Essay Did you like this example? DIAGNOSTICS (METHODS AND APPROACHES) Diagnostics is an expression that is derived from the word diagnosis. During the diagnosis process, it is advisable for a patient to seek multidisciplinary management so as to get accurate results and analysis. In a lay man’s language, multidisciplinary management is a form of patient care that entails the use of several disciplines and visiting different health professionals such as nurses, doctors, occupational therapists and psychologists (Radice Redaelli, 2003). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Breast Cancer What are My Options" essay for you Create order In such a case, health professionals work in a parallel manner so as to get consistent results and analysis. The most prevalent form of diagnosis or detecting breast cancer during the early stages is screening. In a lay man’s language, breast cancer screening is a procedure that involves a patient undergoing breast medical check ups before any symptoms or signs of the disorder. Essentially women who undergo screening are unlikely to suffer or die from breast cancer as compared to other women who do not take screening tests seriously. The effectiveness of the screening process widely depends on how frequent a woman visits a clinic or a hospital. A majority of medical experts suggest that the screening ought to be done at least every 3 – 1 years starting as early as age 20. By the age of 40 years, screening should be done at least once a year (Chang Weiner Hartman Horvath Jeste Mischel Kado, 2018). The only disadvantage associated with this form of diagnosis is false results which may force one to undergo more screening. This might turn out to be expensive and the patient may also subject themselves to more health risks due to radiation. Unlike screening, breast cancer staging is a rather long process that requires a lot of medical operations to assert whether or not one is a victim of the disorder. To begin with, one must undergo a physical exam. During the examination, the health expert asks several medical questions and reviews analysis and results done by different physicians or procedures. Reviewing results is manly done for patients who have been treated from the disorder. After the physical examination and review of results, a patient is subjected to either blood tests or breast – imaging tests (Chlebowski Aiello McTiernan, 2002). The reason as to why blood tests are important is that it helps medical practitioners to identify the medical condition or status of their patients. On the other side, breast – imaging tests are relatively important on the grounds that they help in determining the level or stage of cancer. In the event where breast cancer cells have spread to other parts of the body, there is a need for additional image – tests. Thereafter conducting a critical research and analysis, breast cancer has four stages. They include; stage 0, I, II, III and IV. Each stage is characterized with the intensity of cell growths and tumors. For instance, a small tumor can be categorized under stage I. As the tumor grows and the cells continue to sub – divide, there is an upward progression from stage I onto stage II. If left untreated or unattended during the early stages, the disorder can progress from stage I till stage IV. Very few patients in their late stages of the disorder can be able to survive this international pandemic. As mentioned earlier, more than 230,000 women are likely to be infected with breast cancer this year. On t he positive side, this disorder can easily be prevented. In America there are more than 3 million breast cancer survivors. Unlike other common forms of disorder that can easily be regulated through certain health practices and operations, breast cancer cannot be prevented easily. Reflective of medical analysis and reports, it has been established that the only way to prevent breast cancer is to avoid risk factors that are associated with the disease. In a lay man’s language, the expression risk factor refers to anything that increases the chances of contracting a disease. To begin, age is the common risk factor. Essentially as one gets older, the chances of contracting the disease seem to multiply. Inherently this is the main reason why women who are above 50 years are advised to go for screening at least once in a year (Chang Weiner Hartman Horvath Jeste Mischel Kado, 2018). Reflective of this scenario, the best way to prevent the growth and development of breast cance r is constantly going for screening since age is a natural process that no one has control of. Another risk factor that is associated with breast cancer is lack of exercise and being overweight. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important when it comes to preventing breast cancer. According to a recent medical survey and analysis, it was established that overweight women who do not participate in any forms of exercises are prone or susceptible to the disorder as compared to women who engage in exercises and maintain a weight balance in relation to their age and height (Chlebowski Aiello McTiernan, 2002). Based on this medical information and report, it can easily be established that breast cancer among women can be prevented by encouraging women to keep track of their weight and engaging in different forms of exercises. Fundamentally exercises are very important on the grounds that they help in breaking down fats and oils and keeping the body physically fit. Unhealthy foods, drinks and cigarrete smoking are also leading factors in breast cancer. According to medical experts, drinks such as alcohol and beer increase the risks of a woman developing breast cancer due hormonal reactions. Foods that increase the tendency of a woman contracting breast cancer are sugar, artificial sweeteners, dairy products, grilled meat and animal products that contain a lot of fat such as eggs and red meat (Siegel Miller Jemal, 2017). On the other side, smoking also leads to breast cancer since it affects normal hormonal functions. Reflective of the information above, it can easily be established that breast cancer among women can be prevented or monitored by avoiding the indicated foods, regulating or quitting smoking. From a general point of view, breast cancer among women can be prevented by engaging in frequent exercises, taking foods and drinks that do not affect with the bodies hormonal process, quit smoking and cutting on weight. However, it is relatively important for one to comprehend that the ideas discussed above serve to help one reduce the risk of contracting the disease as breast cancer cannot be avoided. In some instances it is very difficult to prevent breast cancer as it is may be caused by risk factors that cannot be prevented such as ethnicity/race and genetics. In regards to several medical researches and experiments conducted recently, it has been established time and again that White women are likely to contract breast cancer as compared to Asian, black and Hispanic women. When it comes to genetics, it is estimated that about 10 -5 % of breast cancer among women is hereditary (Yates Knappskog Wedge Farmery Martincorena Gundem, 2017). Practically this means that the disorde r is some – how common among women who hail from families that have one or more people who have been diagnosed with it. TREATMENT OPTIONS In regards to treatment, breast cancer can be attended using several treatment options. They include; radiation, chemotherapy, hormone therapy and lumpectomy also known as mastectomy. Thanks to the treatment options mentioned above, there are more than 3 million women who have survived from breast cancer in America only. Below is detailed discussion on each of the indicated treatment options. Lumpectomy, mastectomy Lumpectomy commonly known as breast segmental resection is a form of treatment that involves the surgical removal of a lump that has formed in the breast (National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 2016). From a general perspective, most people prefer lumpectomy as compared to mastectomy since it is a more conservationist method. Mastectomy is a treatment method that involves the surgical removal of the breast or the area that has been affected by the cancerous cells. Mastectomy is normally applied in the event where cancerous cells have spread and divided to form a huge lump that cannot be easily removed without interfering with physical stature of the breast (National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 2016). As much as lumpectomy is the more common of the two methods, it is important to ascertain the idea that mastectomy is the safest method as no cancerous cells are left behind. Hormone therapy Just as the name suggests, hormone therapy is a treatment therapy that involves the use of hormones to treat cancer. Hormone therapy also known as hormonal therapy or endocrine therapy is a form of treatment that works by inducing hormones into the body of a patient for purposes of stopping or slowing cancer from growing (Chang Weiner Hartman Horvath Jeste Mischel Kado, 2018). Fundamentally hormonal therapy in breast cancer is important on the grounds that it makes the tumor much smaller before radiation therapy and surgery. Hormonal therapy is also important on the grounds that it lowers or minimizes the risk that cancerous cells will ever come back, destroy any cells that have remained in the body. Reflective of this argument, it is clearly obvious that hormonal therapy is vital in that it helps in reducing lump sizes and the risk of the cancer from spreading or ever coming back. Radiation Radio – therapy commonly known as radiation is a form breast cancer treatment that involves the destruction of cancer cells that might have remained in the breasts after the surgery process (National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 2016). As much as people fear radio – therapy, this is the most effective way to ensure that any cell remnants in the breast are cleared off. Fundamentally radio – therapy processes involve the use of a special beam of energy such as x – rays and light rays to destroy the cancer cells. This beams are largely invisible to the human eye yet they are very significant when it comes to destroying the DNA of cancerous cells. As much as radiation affects cancer and normal cells, it is of relative importance to note that the rays affect cancer cells much more. Based on medical reports and examination, radiation is very important since it helps in reducing the chances of the disorder from re –occurring especially after surgery (National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 2016). As much as a surgeon might be able to remove all cancer cells in the breast of a patient, it is not a guaranteed that the disorder might never come back. A single remnant of the cells might cause a risk in the re – occurrence of the disorder. For purposes of avoiding any remnant cells from growing and developing to form a lump, there is a constant need for a patient to undergo radiation. Finally research has it that patients who undergo radiation are likely to live much longer and remain free from cancer as compared to other patients who fail to undergo the process. Chemotherapy Unlike hormonal therapy which involves the induction of hormones into the body system, chemotherapy is a form of breast cancer treatment whereby the cancer cells are monitored, regulated and destroyed after the patient is subjected to drugs. Chemotherapy popularly known as chemo also works to either treat breast cancer if it is detected in its early stages or ease the symptoms of cancer in the event where breast cancer has been detected at a late stage (National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 2016). When it comes to easing pain, chemo is used to stop tumors from growing as well as ease the pain that comes along with the disorder. It is of relative importance to note that chemotherapy may also be used with other forms of treatment so as to increase the survival odd of a patient. For instance, chemotherapy may be used in conjunction with radiation therapy and radiation. Reflective of this scenario, chemotherapy is used in shrinking the size of the tumor just before the indicated forms o f treatment. Drugs administered during chemotherapy can be introduced to a patient through different means. To begin with, oral treatment comes in form of capsules, pills and liquids that one is supposed to swallow. In regards to the Intravenous (IV) mode of treatment, the chemo goes into the vein while injection entails the administration of shots into the hip, thigh or muscle of the patient. Intraperitoneal chemo goes into peritoneal cavities while intra – arterial chemo goes into an artery that is responsible for causing cancer (National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 2016). Finally topical chemo comes in special cream that is designated for rubbing on the skin. In special cases, chemotherapy may be administered through ports, catheters and pumps. The type of medical treatment to be applied depends on the level of breast cancer or the patient’s suitability. For purpose of knowing whether the chemo is working, there is a need to visit a physician who will conduct physical examinati ons, medical tests (blood tests and scans). ADVANTAGES OF MEDICAL TREATMENTS Undergoing medical treatments is very beneficial when it comes to the health of the person infected with breast cancer. To begin with, the medical treatments offer an increased quality to life and health. Reflective of this example, the indicated treatment options all serve to fight the cancer cells. Lack of undergoing this forms of treatment means that the infected person is likely to suffer in bad health and consequently succumb to the disease. The indicated treatment options are also beneficial on the grounds that they help in reducing the size and growth of the tumor (lumps) in the breast. ? DISADVANTAGES As much as undergoing the indicated treatments is beneficial to the health of a patient. It is also safe to ascertain the idea that these treatments have their own disadvantages. Hence, the treatments are responsible for unknown side – effects that are responsible for numerous body stresses. A majority of breast cancer patients who undergo either of these treatment options mentioned above are perceived to be stressful and in bad mood. Another disadvantage of the indicated treatment options is that they are very expensive. Very few people can be able to afford and keep up with the expenses that come along with these treatments. Most lower class and lower middle class people cannot afford this treatment. CONCLUSION In conclusion, breast cancer is a form of cancer that affects women. Predominantly this form of cancer is characterized with the growth and multiplication of cancerous cells within the breast. In regards to treatment, breast cancer can be cured so long as it is detected early. Examples of treatment options that are available for treating the disorder are lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation and hormone therapy also known as endocrine therapy or hormonal therapy. As much as breast cancer has different treatment options, it is safe to state that there are advantages and disadvantages that are associated with it. Reflective of the advantages, the treatment options lead to increased life quality and a reduction of the lump and tumor sizes. When it comes to the disadvantages, the treatment options indicated are very expensive and very few people can afford. The treatment options also have side – effects that are not well known. A majority of this side – effects affect the normal functioning of the body leading to body stresses and poor health generally. Breast cancer is a killer disease that should be seriously campaigned against as women all over the world daily due to the disease.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Life Is A Of Life - 1333 Words

Life is something that requires a considerable amount of physical and mental effort. Some are fortunate enough to have everything prepared for them. Such as some are born into money; some come across good fortune yet most work hard from the start to get somewhere in the world. It just all depends on how you were brought into this world. For some people, life is full of stress and hardships. That’s how life was for someone very dear to me Kimberly Domonique. She had it difficult from the start however, she chose not to let life get her down. When life gave her lemons, she made lemonade. Kimberly is from the island of Haiti, she moved to the states at the age of ten years old. She lived in Queens, New York with her step†¦show more content†¦She moved to New Jersey to get away from the violence and that’s when she started high school. When she got to high school at the age of fourteen years old, that is when she met other students of Haitian descent. She thought she moved away from the discrimination but she actually ran head onto it. In school the Haitians and the black Americans were separated voluntarily because of the same issues that occurred in Queens. The difference was that there were more Haitians in New Jersey and they stood together to defend each other. Meanwhile during the drama, she found her high school sweetheart which became her husband of twenty five years. Throughout the years of their relationship they went through several changes and hardships, they were blessed with three amazing kids who reside in the USA today. Life in Haiti was not a walk in the park for Kimberly. Now, school is extremely difficult and back then the competition for scholarships was at an all-time high. Not many people were wealthy. Most could barely afford to pay for school and only a small amount was considered well off. Placing monetary value on an individual’s life is measured not by the way an individual has lived, but rather the individual’s income; at least that is how society views life. Every individual values life from a different perspective. And while every human will find value in life, those values will not be the same as everybody else. Some people will value life as a privilege and believe life

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Evaluation Of “Rome In The Late Republic“ Free Essays

There appears to be much controversy as to the reasons the Roman Republic ended. Mary Beard and Michael Crawford, both known authors for several works pertaining to ancient Rome, have teamed together and wrote Rome in the Late Republic. This book, fairly contemporary in its research, takes on the challenge of depicting reasons why the Roman Republic ended, and in explaining the reasons; they attempt to incorporate such issues as religion, political institutions, socio-economic attributes of the people, and outside influence into their argument. We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluation Of â€Å"Rome In The Late Republicâ€Å" or any similar topic only for you Order Now Beard and Crawford’s thesis lies in the portrayal of these issues in their relation to the fall of the Roman Republic and how their explanation differs from other authors and scholars’ interpretations. Beard and Crawford present their material in an easily readable, and quite short, manner. They have separated their arguments into that which the reader can comprehend and associate with outside information concerning the history of Rome. However, there is a problem, regarding the historical aspect, whereas Beard and Crawford do not give particular examples of historical events, or the like.It is not a problem if the reader has an understanding of the subject, but if someone were not to possess such knowledge, then they would be at a disadvantage, because of this lapse on the authors’ part. For instance, the statement, â€Å"As the political system came increasingly under the dominance of powerful individuals, so those individuals, tended also to monopolize links with divine,† does not provide an adequate perception to the certain individuals, which can be learned in other fashions to represent people like Julius Caesar, who served as Pontifex Maximus.Considering this lack of direct historical evidence, the book appears to be more based in a literary manner, with indirect historical evidence, as mentioned. In the literary sense, the authors give their supposition into why the Republic ended, in such sta tements like â€Å"The late Republic had witnessed the development of an elite culture drawing on both Greek and Roman traditions; this development was crucial to the functioning of the relatively complex structure of the Roman Empire† (24). It is made clear what the authors are presenting by their explanations and evidence.Throughout the book, Beard and Crawford divide their assertions into understandable chapters by separating, material like religion, political institutions, and socio-economic attributes of the people that provide a solid argument for why the Roman Republic ended. An example of the information provided concerning religion’s role in the ending of the Republic is, â€Å"religious means were used to gain political ends-therefore ‘true’ Roman religion had been perverted away from its proper use† (26).Later in another chapter, Beard and Crawford depict political institutions’ role in the ending of the Republic, with relation to contemporary intellectuals as, â€Å"It is difficult to comprehend political life at Rome in the late Republic. Not only are its structures and institutions alien to us; they were also in a state of disruption and change† (40). Finally, depicting the socio-economic argument, Beard and Crawford assert that â€Å"The pattern of the Roman conquest of Italy meant that in most essential respects there came to be substantial uniformity in social and economic structure throughout Italy† (79).These divisions that the authors present their argument and separate the material allow for a well formulated book. The final area that Beard and Crawford touch upon is challenging fellow scholars and modern historians. An example of their criticism is that â€Å"Ancient authors and modern historians treat the Senate (and to a lesser extent the equestrian order) as if it was, for all practical purposes, a hereditary body† (45). Following that statement the authors present their counter-argument.By mentioning other arguments, the authors give more legitimacy to their material. Another example of this is Some recent writing can leave the reader wondering why the assembly bothered to meet at all, seeing that the view of the elite was so bound to prevail. The elite had, in short, a vested interest in unity-which was, of course, not preserved in the political struggles of the late Republic. However, other historians gave the impression that it was exceedingly hard to become a magistrate or senator if you didn’t have a relative that was a senate, etc. 51). In this example, the authors’ argument is clearly opposite from what other historians claim. Beard and Crawford’s disagreements with scholars and historians are made known throughout the book. The manner, in which they do so, is by presenting both sides, then proceeding to explain why theirs is superior. This method allows the reader to comprehend the material related to the subject and to understand why Beard and Crawford’s contentions are better.Beard and Crawford’s book is an excellent supplement to studies in Roman history, because it provides a sufficient interpretation into the end of the Roman Republic, outside of the textbook’s straightforward historical evidence. Rome in the Late Republic is more of a literary source and by doing so the authors present historical evidence and material indirectly, though if reading a Roman history textbook at the same time, the reader should have no difficulty understanding what Beard and Crawford are trying to argue, concerning the factors related to the ending of the Republic of Rome.In conclusion, Bear d and Crawford do a good job of presenting their reasons for the ending of the Roman Republic, though more historical evidence would allow readers a better comprehension of the material. The book is helpful to those who want to learn more into the reasons why the Republic of Rome. How to cite Evaluation Of â€Å"Rome In The Late Republicâ€Å", Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Diary and Experience Sampling Research †

Question: Discuss about the Diary and Experience Sampling Research. Answer: Introduction Research and analysis forms a constructive part of any study or research design. The research questions are based upon the present problem situation and points towards comprehending the plausible solutions for redressal of the same. The research questions are based upon analysing the puzzle for presenting a clear picture of the present situation. The puzzle is then broken down into parts and the components are separately dealt with. The current study focuses on the different aspects of social research and the various contributing factors for conducting a research study. The assignment has been divided into a number of components such as data creation methods and the advantages or the limitations attached with such methods. In order to design a research question there is a need to focus upon the basic definition of research. Here research could be defined as a systematic investigation or inquiry which contributes in developing the knowledge of a theory further. For the current assignment the research questions based upon a social issue in Melbourne had been taken into consideration. In this respect, the social research forms a small component under the vast umbrella of research. The research is conducted with a view to creating knowledge for the betterment of the social world. As commented by Fraley and Hudson (2014), the components of the social world are connected with each other in terms of procurement of services for the feasibility of mankind. Therefore, the disruption in one of the components can disturb some of the other elements too. Thus, formulating the research question is one of the pivotal components of research study and design. Therefore, a number of parameters need to be taken into consi deration during formulating a research question. A number of guidelines had been followed over here for designing of an effective research question such as framing relevant questions. The questions to be designed in terms of research and academic limits of the researcher should be manageable enough. The questions should be substantial and connected with original scenario. The questions should justify the objectives of the research thesis throughout and should be clear and concise. As mentioned by Rea and Parker (2014), a concise and clear content is easily relatable and are successful in generating sufficient interest in the readers regrading the research question. The questions had been designed with a view to offer sufficient scope for the explanation and detailed discussion of the learning outcomes of the course. However, for designing a research question which is socially and empirically researchable a number of detailed observations need to be made. Some of the data had been collected by talking to people, surveying or conduct ing experiments with people. However, as argued by Brinkmann (2014), often lack of sufficient support and participation from people can limit the scope of establishments of the research design. The research questions should highlight something perplexing and surprising. This helps in the exploration of new avenues or areas which had not been covered before. Data required for answering research questions The collection of data forms a governing factor for evaluation and analysis of the research questions. The data could be further divided into two major components that are primary and secondary data. The primary data refers to newly collected information, which has been gathered by the researcher for answering of the research questions. The secondary data refers to already existent data present in the form of literature sources and peer reviewed journal or articles. For the present research, the researcher has collected primary data for evaluation of the research question. The primary data are again both quantitative and qualitative in nature and here both have been considered. The data have been collected by conducting interviews and surveys where a part of the Melbourne residents where asked questions pertaining to the advantages or disadvantages associated with inculcation of energy efficient building practices. As reported by some of the Melbourne residents the use of energy effi cient components can increase the infrastructural cost of the buildings. On the contrary, some had reported that the use of such energy efficient devices could help in reducing the electricity and power consumption of the buildings as a whole. Therefore, the implementation of such methods is both economical and also maintains the social responsibility of maintaining an energy sufficient environment (Palinkas et al. 2015). Therefore, the researcher was put in a situation of fix where opposite views were provided by the participants of the survey. Therefore, empirical data were collected where the percentage responses of the participants were used for arriving at a suitable solution. The method of data creation forms a very important component of designing a research question. For the purpose of data collection a structured open ended interview questionnaire had been designed. The detailed responses provided by the participants regrading the benefits of limitations inculcation of energy efficient devices in constructing buildings in the Melbourne region of Australia. The collected responses were put into more concise and structured forms for further evaluation. A further quantitative method of data collection was used for generating statistical and empirical data. The questions asked over here were mostly close ended with limited options where the participants could only answer in a yes or no. Additionally, the questions with open ended answers were mostly objective in nature limiting the scope of further explanation by the participants. In the present research method unstructured questions had been encouraged by the researcher. Here, the course of conversation further determined the set of questions to be asked throughout the interview. For the research study three data creation methods which had been followed over here which are conducting of interviews, designing of online focus groups and framing of an online questionnaire. As commented by Goodman et al (2013), the designing of the focus groups would help in generating concise data. Advantages and disadvantages of data collection methods For the present assignment three different methods of data collection have been used such as designing a focus group, constructing an online questionnaire and conducting an interview. The methods have been compiled to arrive at a summative result which could be further expanded by the researcher. There are a number of strengths and limitations of each data creation methods which could be further analysed for selecting the best alternative. The selection of the focus group helps in conducting the research in lesser amount of time. However, as argued by Flick (2014), most of the times comparatively lesser number of participants appears for the interview than actually approached. This could hinder data collection process and further evaluation of the research questions. On the contrary, conducting an interview could help in the expression of interest by the participants. This also helps in gathering suitable objectives from the participants which could be built upon further. However, for the current study the process of conducting a survey for data collection had been most helpful. This is because the responses could be presented in percentages which help in eradicating any further biases. As argued by Ormston et al.(2014), a number of ethical considerations had to be taken into consideration over here which includes taking proper consent from the participants. Thus, forced participation or where limited information had been provided to the participants about the data collection process could be an unethical practise method. In this respect, further secondary data could be used by the researcher for referral and verification of his study design. However, there are limitations with respect to languages and keywords. Some of the journals are available in languages other than English which could limit the scope of research (Muraki et al 2017). Similarly, a reference to the secondary sources could help in arriving at more acceptable results. Conclusion The current assignment focuses on the concept of designing of research questions for arriving at a suitable conclusion. The study here highlights a research question where the use of energy efficient techniques for improving building standards in Melbourne had been discussed. Here, a number of parameters have been focussed upon by the researcher for designing the research questions. The emphasis had been given on designing more relatable questions which would address the social issue and the present problem situation faced in Melbourne. The major contributing factors over here are the data forms or the data collection methods which further governs the success of the research study. For the current research, primary data only had been taken into consideration where both quantitative and qualitative research design has been opted. The mixed methods along with the empirical and the statistical data help in arriving at as suitable solution. However, a number of limitations are faced in t he data collection method which includes the consent to be taken from the participants for conducting the interviews. Moreover, the participants should be notified about the interview process much in advance. The designing of the right focus groups serves as a limiting factor over here. References Boeije, H., van Wesel, F. and Slagt, M., (2014). Guidance for deciding upon use of primary mixed methods studies in research synthesis: lessons learned in childhood trauma.Quality Quantity,48(2), pp.1075-1088. Brinkmann, S., (2014). Interview. InEncyclopedia of Critical Psychology(pp. 1008-1010). Springer New York. Flick, U., (2014).An introduction to qualitative research. London:Sage. Fraley, R.C. and Hudson, N.W., (2014). Review of intensive longitudinal methods: An introduction to diary and experience sampling research. Gandomi, A. and Haider, M., (2015). 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Purposeful sampling for qualitative data collection and analysis in mixed method implementation research.Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research,42(5), pp.533-544. Rea, L.M. and Parker, R.A., (2014).Designing and conducting survey research: A comprehensive guide. New Jersey:John Wiley Sons.